A Year in the Making


 Last year I can hardly run 12 minutes without stopping or walking in between jogs, today my desire to race triathlons brought me to get pass that barrier.  There are a lot of things I've learned about myself and triathlon from joining races and here are some of those:

1.  I have learned that my running is better than my cycling fitness... or I just suck on the bike.
2.  That I can run a sub 45 minute 10K just because I'm light. Perks of an ectomorph I guess.
3.  My slow heart rate is good for endurance races... I'd like to think.
4.  I'm a jogger not a runner.
5.  It took me a year before I got a running shorts.
6.  A triathlete seldom swims.
7.  On my first duathlon I thought 'side stitch' meant the side of my legs were hurting.
8.  I change attire at every transition.
9.  I haven't done a long run workout.
10.  Every triathlete except me is fast on the bike.
11.  I don't consume energy gel or bar.
12.  Still don't have a trisuit.
13.  Still using running shoes on the bike.
14.  I won't have lighter skin in the near future.
15.  I easily get hungry when I jog at night or late afternoon.
16.  My daughter writes better than me.
17.  Can't wait to overtake runners.
18.  Feels good to finish fast... still working on the 'fast' though.
19.  A comfortable lighter pair of shoes is faster than a lighter bike... or something like that.
20.  Body's immunity is low after a hard race. Way too low.
21.  I rest 2 days before an event and consume buko, dalandan, and bananas.
22.  You can't shoot for the moon but there are certain goals you can aspire for on your first year of triathlon - sprint 1k-30k-7k = sub 2 hours,  standard 1.5k-40k-10k = sub 3 hours,  half IM = sub 6 hours.
23.  I look good when I smile for the camera at the finish line.
24.  Still looking forward to my first century ride..., first 21K run..., marathon..., IM distance tri :-)
25.  Lots of races make me happy... and broke :D
26.  I obsess on race result numbers.

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