Train Easy... Race Hard

triathlon philippines
Let there be more races to come!  HELLO 2013!

Most Satisfied Race in terms of result and organization:  ADIDAS KING OF THE ROAD - it made me realize that I can carry the speed to some extent. 16.7K run in 1:17

Most Sufferfest Race:  NAGT Leg 1 Subic - My first open water swim was horribly slow and my ITBS was at its max, both legs were hurting for 9K.  1.5k-40k-10k in 3:08 at the back of the pack

Most Fun Race:  ANIMO Sprint Tri - Without much training I didn't try too hard but got a very pleasant surprise time of 1:58 good enough for 5th place in my age group. 900m-30.2k-7.1k

Most Ridiculous Race: An aquathlon organized by college kids for their project requirement - with a distance of 300m swim followed by 800m run they might as well just excluded the run portion.

Longest Race:  White Rock Triathlon - 2k-91k-20k

Most Humbling Experience Race:  a local 12k run - with less than a hundred participants I was sure I'll land in the top 10 if I can survive the first 6k of uphill run but with a run time of 60m I came in at 44th meaning most guys and gals were running at speeds more than 12 kilometers per hour!

What I Learned: Part 4 Training

1.   There are a lot of training plans which you can follow.  Some may not work but there’s always more than one plan or program that will work for you.
2.   Don’t hurry on your base training.  It takes more than a year to reap its benefit to the fullest.
3.   Do what you think your body can absorb.
4.   Gradual progression in both intensity and duration of workout is the best way to not get injured.
5.   Progression can wait.  You are not required to go long you are just having fun.
6.   Remember that in triathlon half the time is spent on the saddle.  Get those bike legs burning.
7.   When it is too cold to swim, do not swim.
8.   Know when to stop and rest.
9.   Periodization can help.
10. Know your nutrition plan.
11. Warm up by doing your workout slow and easy for the first 5 to 10 minutes.
12. Sign up for a race that can motivate you.
13. Have a workout diary.  Monitor your progress through the record that you logged in your worksheet.
14. Do not be overconfident with your work schedule, something may come up and you may not find a time to train.  Be prepared for this kind of thing.

15. Getting a coach should always be considered.

Training for 2013 Season Starts... NOW!

Off season rest is over guys.  With 7 weeks before the 1st National Age Group in Subic it's time to swim, bike, run, recover towards a new PR.  And the best time to start is today not tomorrow.  And for a slow rider like me it's got to start with a ride of course.  Happy Holidays and happy training!

After a 50K plus ride ending at a small seaport

What I Learned: Part 3 Triathlon

1.   It is better to start at the front.
2.   I use shorter strokes when the water has strong waves.
3.   I put my goggles strap under the cap.
4.   I wear Speedo Jammers instead of tri shorts.
5.   Few triathletes swim with bare torso.  I’m one the few.
6.   I always think I am forgetting something when leaving transitions 1 and 2.
7.   I find it better to come early and have a good parking space and not stress about the whole process of pre race rituals. (timing chip, marking, briefing, bike transition, picture taking etc.)
8.   More than 50 percent of the race is spent riding the bike.  I got used to getting passed by.
9.   I never used my cycling shoes even at the White Rock Triathlon.  I bought the pedals and shoes specifically for WRT and future races but I wasn’t comfortable with it.
10. I mark my wrist with my goal time for T1 exit, T2 exit and finish time.
11. Transition 1 takes forever to complete.
12. The run leg is always tough to anticipate; I don’t know when my ITBS will be there to accompany me.
13. No matter how many times I say to myself to get ready to smile when approaching the finish line, I still forget to do so at times.
14. It is always a pleasure to see the marshals guiding the triathletes.
15. Triathlon events are very well organized in general.
16. I have never done any long run, long swim, and century ride yet.
17. A very big THANK YOU to the photographers on site sharing their photos.

What I Learned: Part 2 Running

1.   The price of registration of fun runs seems too high.
2.   Hydration station is scarce compared to tri and dua events.
3.   I don’t get it how a lot of participants like to have finisher’s medal.  I’d rather have plenty of water stations and correct kilometer markers.
4.   Quality of singlets and finisher’s shirt could be improved.
5.   Not enough portalets along the route.
6.   Just like the start of a triathlon I’d rather be in front while waiting for gun start.
7.   My feet have very thin and smooth skin.  It’s always a problem if the run gets longer.
8.   It is nice to run on the road with marshals guiding the runners.  I can appreciate the view better this way.
9.   There’s no need to break the PR every time there’s an event.
10. Runners in front of me motivate me to run faster.
11. I’m excited to do long runs in 2013 something that I didn’t do this year.

What I Learned: Part 1 Duathlon

1.   The second run in a duathlon is the most punishing run I have ever experienced.
2.   Doing modified one legged squat and leg raise exercise can help in strengthening leg muscles specific to duathlon.
3.   Since I am a slow rider I put everything on the run.
4.   On my first race I wore a tight fitting racer back undershirt on a cold morning and I froze.  Now I wear muscle shirt instead.
5.   I always end up 20 minutes off the leader in our age group.
6.   Road humps are the enemies.
7.   With many triathlon events cropping up I might not join a duathlon again.  The second run is just too much for me.
8.   Hydration station is always abundant in supply of both water and energy drinks in this kind of race.

A Year in the Making


 Last year I can hardly run 12 minutes without stopping or walking in between jogs, today my desire to race triathlons brought me to get pass that barrier.  There are a lot of things I've learned about myself and triathlon from joining races and here are some of those:

1.  I have learned that my running is better than my cycling fitness... or I just suck on the bike.
2.  That I can run a sub 45 minute 10K just because I'm light. Perks of an ectomorph I guess.
3.  My slow heart rate is good for endurance races... I'd like to think.
4.  I'm a jogger not a runner.
5.  It took me a year before I got a running shorts.
6.  A triathlete seldom swims.
7.  On my first duathlon I thought 'side stitch' meant the side of my legs were hurting.
8.  I change attire at every transition.
9.  I haven't done a long run workout.
10.  Every triathlete except me is fast on the bike.
11.  I don't consume energy gel or bar.
12.  Still don't have a trisuit.
13.  Still using running shoes on the bike.
14.  I won't have lighter skin in the near future.
15.  I easily get hungry when I jog at night or late afternoon.
16.  My daughter writes better than me.
17.  Can't wait to overtake runners.
18.  Feels good to finish fast... still working on the 'fast' though.
19.  A comfortable lighter pair of shoes is faster than a lighter bike... or something like that.
20.  Body's immunity is low after a hard race. Way too low.
21.  I rest 2 days before an event and consume buko, dalandan, and bananas.
22.  You can't shoot for the moon but there are certain goals you can aspire for on your first year of triathlon - sprint 1k-30k-7k = sub 2 hours,  standard 1.5k-40k-10k = sub 3 hours,  half IM = sub 6 hours.
23.  I look good when I smile for the camera at the finish line.
24.  Still looking forward to my first century ride..., first 21K run..., marathon..., IM distance tri :-)
25.  Lots of races make me happy... and broke :D
26.  I obsess on race result numbers.

OUTBREAK: Enchanted Kingdom

October 31, 2012
5k scary run
Enchanted Kingdom, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
by: Miss HolaSamuel

Have you ever thought about a zombie apocalypse actually happening? Imagine yourself running for your life with a gun in your hand and then horde of zombies suddenly appeared in front of you. You have been ambushed by zombies (those sneaky bastards)  and you only have three bullets with you. Will you run? Or will you die with honor  getting eaten by zombies? Hold on to that thought while I share to you my experience being chased by zombies. Zombies who are hungry for your flags (yes, it does suck that they’re not after your brains)

A participant in a scary costume

Okay, so I registered for this fun run. Quick question, is Outbreak Manila a ‘Fun Run’? well in my opinion it is not. Because you walk, run from zombies who are in the way, then walk again if you get tired or something (well at least that was what I saw most people were doing). But let’s call it a Fun Run because it is indeed fun.

This time, Outbreak Manila was held in Enchanted Kingdom. A Amusement Park. or Theme Park if you prefer calling it that. The thought reminds me of a computer game I play. Where there are zombies and your goal is to survive. There’s  this level  that’s in the Circus. The sound effects seriously creep me out. And the clown in the game! Don’t get me started with the clown. 

So back to the run, We arrived at Enchanted Kingdom at about 6:00 in the evening. It is said that we should arrive an hour before our gun start. This run has tons of waves. I’m in wave 4 so I get to finish early. Too bad the zombies are still full of energy at that time.

At the starting line, We are separated into three courses per wave. The appetizer, The Main Course and The Dessert. Few people go into the line Appetizer/Dessert. They like to be the Main Course, which is hot and crowded. Trust me, I know because I experienced it first hand.

This, is where we started running for our lives

So after the gun was shot (or the sound that makes us go forward in races) we’re supposed to run in, like a field where zombies are scattered. It’s like the zombies are playing patintero with you. When you reach the entrance, you can see that the zombies are blocking the way inside. So it’s good to stick with crowds.

These zombies are really hungry for flags

When you get pass the entrance. That’s where the fun starts. But unfortunately, the fun ends quickly because when you’re out of life flags, zombies won’t even bother to look at you. So you’ll get to walk freely at EK with no zombies bothering you, which is boring. So thank goodness for white flags! It saves you from boredom. Because flags = zombies running after you

HolaSamuel and her cousins after 50 minutes inside the park

White Rock Triathlon 2012

October 27, 2012
Olongapo City

After months of joining a lot of races - maybe more than twenty races if you'll let me include the fun runs - I think it's normal to try a mid distance race like white rock triathlon especially at this time of year when I'm in tip top condition having been a part of so many events.

Contrary to what I've read in some internet posts that training for this particular distance demands a lot from an athlete, my training for this distance was not filled with punishing workouts and long training weeks consisting of days of long runs and long rides.  To tell you the truth I never had a long run nor a long swim workout.  I only had 3 mid distance rides before the event - 60+, 70+, and 80+ kilometers.  What I had that made me feel confident was the repeatability that I enjoyed with my scheduled workouts.  That and the light weight of my body.

I was reviewing the course I plotted using and I foolishly came up with my list of target times to be used to pace myself and it went like this: 
note: the description at the right side was what actually took place

Swim + T1         0:45    rough water - 0:48
Bike U turn        2:15   hydration station with bananas and hospitable volunteers - 2:14
Bike 70k            3:07    strong headwind
Bike 91k            3:51    heavy traffic at Subic town - 4:02
T2                      3:56    can't find my medicine - 4:08
Run 6k               4:27    dead man's hill, itbs acting its part to the T
Run U turn         4:46     went to toilet of yellow cab pizza at kilometer 8
Run 13.5k          5:05    more walking and butt kicks on dead man's hill      
Finish                5:41    felt lucky to strike the bell as my name was announced - 6:06

At the midpoint of my bike ride I was still true to my target time and had a long stop at the bike U turn to replenish and rest a bit.  When I started on my way back to White Rock Beach I felt good until the 55th kilometer where the strong headwind started sapping my energy.  I was way off the target when I arrived at T2 and at kilometer 2 of the 20k run I felt my nemesis (itbs) acting up again.  I was left to choose between running hard until my legs totally breakdown and apply run-walk method to increase my chance of finishing.  I took the latter and run-walk for a 1:58 run split and a disappointing yet satisfying (did I just contradict myself) overall time of 6:06. To give you an idea how slow I was, the fast ones are more than an hour faster than me - ouch!

The event was well organized and I would like to thank the race marshals and volunteers who made the race possible especially those who were at the center of the towns we passed. I just wish there could be more participants the next time around.

Step 1: consultation with a doctor on October 26

Claiming of race pack and loot bag

Race briefing: I was a little bit late as my bike's tire got rejected upon checking in 
so I hurriedly changed tires before going to the briefing room

Race day weigh in started at 5:30 am


15 minutes before gun start

Showtime's Coleen watching her BF Gab

I think I was the only one wearing a real swimming trunks

After a 91k ride.. now with my cycling shorts, blue muscle shirt, and black running shoes

Starting my run in a new attire.. now with a singlet and a brand new blue shoes

After 1 hopia, 2 pandesal, 1 pack Sport Beans, 2 bananas,
lots of water and Gatorade I just lost 3 pounds and finished the race

With Peter and Chad at the finishers' hut

A cowbell for my effort

Subic Weekend for White Rock Triathlon

October 26-27, 2012
SBMA and Olongapo Seaside

We arrived at SBMA by lunch time and proceeded to Racks to fill some hungry bellies

After a hearty lunch we checked in at White Rock Hotel and looked at the setup
of the organizers and got my race pack and loot bag

Went inside SBMA along the bayside and got some group pics there

...and more pics along with my clan

Had some fun at Tree Top Adventure

After the race briefing and bike check in I rendezvoused with the kids at Harbor Point Mall

Before going to sleep I reviewed the map I created before I wrote my target times
so I can pace myself properly

Rudy Project Triathlon 2012

Rudy Project Triathlon
Republic Wakepark, Sta. Rosa City
900m-30k-8k --> turned to duathlon 6k-30k-3k

Upon racking up my bike and having my goggles on my neck a marshal told me to wear my running shoes... huh?  As it turned out it's going to be a duathlon since the water is not yet filled to capacity. I saw the top duathletes getting warmed up, not for the swim of course. I also heard a team near my van spoke in Visaya, hope they didn't fly over here just to experience a triathlon. For some reason the line for claiming the timing chip was too long and  I was lucky to get mine yesterday. I think it caused the delay of the gun start. 

Just across where I parked were these 2 ladies accompanying their BFs

Billy Joe being interviewed by ABS-CBN crew

Kuya Kim

The supposed swim course

Anthony Pangilinan in transition area

Race briefing

Got to earn those free Rudy Project shades for finishers

David's Salon

Racking up the bike after getting lost by 8K... where were the marshals when you need one

And the winner is... luckily a triathlete not a duathlete

Lots of prizes for the Q and A winners ... I could have won something  if not for being too busy with my food stub as I was near the stage when Monica asked a Q... hays


Weekend at Nuvali

October 6-7, 2012
Nuvali, Sta. Rosa City
Rudy Project Triathlon Weekend

This is where we checked in when we arrived around noon, just inside Technopark Industrial Village

Waiting at the hotel lobby

Got my Big Brothers for lunch before heading to Republic Wakepark

Knee deep water as I claim my race pack at the venue on October 6, 2012

Went to mass at St. John Bosco Parish

Got pigged out at Pig Out

Walked to Solenad 2 for some last minute necessities

Bought our breakfast and on the bike nutrition for Rudy Project Triathlon

Spent breakfast with my family at the hotel after finishing the triathlon that turned out to be a duathlon
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