What I Learned: Part 2 Running

1.   The price of registration of fun runs seems too high.
2.   Hydration station is scarce compared to tri and dua events.
3.   I don’t get it how a lot of participants like to have finisher’s medal.  I’d rather have plenty of water stations and correct kilometer markers.
4.   Quality of singlets and finisher’s shirt could be improved.
5.   Not enough portalets along the route.
6.   Just like the start of a triathlon I’d rather be in front while waiting for gun start.
7.   My feet have very thin and smooth skin.  It’s always a problem if the run gets longer.
8.   It is nice to run on the road with marshals guiding the runners.  I can appreciate the view better this way.
9.   There’s no need to break the PR every time there’s an event.
10. Runners in front of me motivate me to run faster.
11. I’m excited to do long runs in 2013 something that I didn’t do this year.


  1. and she ran a decent 33 minutes for her 1st 5k ... made me a proud papa :)


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