Endurance Sports - Give It a Shot


When you look at all the events that I finished you might think I'm one tough nut just doing the rounds as usual. But really, it's far from that, I am not a warrior and I'll be the first one to admit it and go so far as to say that I'm a little bit of a sissy. Well, I do my workouts but those were generally too short compared to what I usually read on various training plans out there. I don't do long rides on my own and if ever I join one I made sure I bring with me some extra comfort foods and clothes. I don't do long runs except when a marathon is in the near future. I seldom swim just because I hate feeling cold and it gives me cramps.  I don't go to the gym to lift weights and my body longs for the bed not the road.

Before I started to venture in endurance sport I thought all the guys doing this stuff were sports warriors of some sort, training hard was their ticket to finish, and each one loves the sufferfest. Now I'm pretty much sure that is not always the case. A lot are training hard so they can become fast and I guess a significant lot are also weekend trainees who just like to enjoy the race. Structured training is not even on the list of the majority as work and family will obviously be in the way. I don't even think that swimming is part of the plan unless an event is just around the corner. And this my friend is the beauty of completion versus competition. You don't have to be so fast as to get to the podium, just finish the race and you'll enjoy the moment with that smile, yes your big big smile, you have that don't you :). 

Some organizers tend to overstate the difficulty of their events, some writers glorify it probably to make for an engaging read, and some of us make it look harder with our own stories (I think I've done this a couple of times - sorry ;)). If you like to get into endurance sport and about to second guess, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot, just train with enthusiasm, stay safe, enjoy the journey, and reap the benefits - finish line or not.

during this event I guess half of us were what they call walkers including me
yet look at us jumping in celebration :-)

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